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Aurora Regional Fire Museum & DobroSKILLS CPR Partner Page

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This page are for students enrolled in  CPR Training Classes at East Aurora High School In Association with the Aurora Regional Fire Museum & DobroSKILLS CPR.

Through a partnership with Aurora Regional Fire Museum and DobroSKILLS CPR the students of East Aurora High School will be taught to be certified in American Red Cross Adult and Pediatric CPR. A Parent or Guardian must sign a waiver for their student to particpate in the course. 

Step 1: Students will need to have a parent or guardian fill out the DobroSKILLS Waiver.

Step 2: Students can review skills in the resources below. 



Parent/Guardian Waiver for Minor

Students under the age of 18 need to have their parent or guardian sign this permission form to participate in a CPR Class taught by DobroSKILLS.

Core Course In-Class Handouts

Skill Practice Sheets and flow charts for American Red Cross CPR Class.

Curso principal: Materiales para la clase (Core Course In-Class Handouts in Spanish)

Hojas de práctica de habilidades y diagramas de flujo para la clase de RCP de la Cruz Roja Estadounidense.

DobroSKILLS LLC Class Waiver for Students Under the Age of 18 Years-Old

Student Information

If your student does not have a school issued email please enter an email that their certificate can be sent to.

Student's Birthday

Parent or Guardian's Information

Relationship to Student
Upcoming CPR Class

What class is your student participating in?


Class Links Anchor
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