Four examples of proof that students can show completion of the American Red Cross online training who are enrolled in Blended learning CPR and BLS classes through DobroSKILLS CPR. Proof can be printed or shown on a mobile device.

Examples of Completed Online Training
Example 1
Show your instructor the email you received confirming completion of the online portion.

Example 2
Login to the online portion and show your instructor the completion status that appears
above the “Launch Course” button.

Example 3
Screenshot showing all modules completed from the online training.

Screenshot from Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Blending Learning Course
Example 4
Print or screenshot certificate of completion from course outline (Basic Life Support Class Only)

Screenshot of completion certificate from Basic Life Support For Healthcare Providers Blending Learning Course.
If a student can’t provide proof of completion, we can provide the option for them to take the written or oral test.
I'm having issues with the online learning who do I contact?
Technical issues with the online learning must go through the American Red Cross. Please be aware that they have a standard maintenance window of 4-6AM Eastern Time on Saturdays. If you are having difficulty accessing the site during that time period, please wait a few minutes and refresh the page.
If you are having technical issues, contact the Training Support Center:
Call: 800-RED-CROSS (800-733-2767)
I did not get my Blended Learning (BL) link after I booked my class. What do I do?
You should have received two emails when you booked your class. One a confirmation email, the second an email with with a link to your class. Please check your spam folder in case the email with the link was sent there.
If you cannot find the email with the link, please contact us right away.
What is A Blended Learning (BL) Class?
A Blended Learning (BL) Class gives students the ability to do most of the training online then attend an in-person session to test their skills. The online portion can range from 30 minutes to 3 hours long depending on technology limitations and familiarity with the skills. The in-person session is typically 2 hours and 30 minutes long.